I like my heat pump for winter weather heating

Our summers around here are well documented for being tough.

  • The heat and humidity is just a genuinely hard combination that wears a guy down.

However, I’ll take that trade any day over dealing with a brutal Winter and all that heating and A/C heating effort and also expense. Plus, after the hard more than three months of summer, our weather is remarkably charming. So, the two of us manage the heat thanks to our excellent heating and A/C heat pump. It’s what it takes to get through a summer such as ours. I am super thankful for the heat pump. Ours is relatively new and the technological evolution of the heat pump is something entirely special as well. There genuinely is no other choice for heating and cooling where I come from. The winters are mild enough for the heating and A/C heat pump to manage the freezing temps. This is a much preferred situation to what my neighbors to the north have to deal with. I can’t imagine all that. For us, when it gets cold, all I have to do is flip the thermostat over to the heating mode. The heat pump simply reverses its flow and extracts heat energy from the outside air. If it gets below the mid forties, the heat pumpy uses a supplemental electric plate to supply additional heat. Honestly, I find the heat pump to be such a bendy marvel. The one the two of us have even uses wasted heat energy to heat the warm tub! I can hardly think it can do this and then it saves myself and others some money. However, the cooling power, efficiency and reliability of the heat pump is the reason it is the heating and A/C plan of choice for our particular area.

furnace/heater repair