Reusable filters save the planet

I am honestly conscious about all of the trash in the world’s oceans.

It is disgusting how much we throw away.

That trash will be floating around our world for thousands of years. And we just keep adding to it. I know I can’t control what other people do but I have decided that my family is going to start doing our part to reduce waste. That means we are using reusable grocery bags as well as reusable face masks. We also don’t buy paper napkins or paper towels. Instead, we use cloth ones. We shop at farmer’s markets as much as possible so that everything isn’t wrapped in plastic. Additionally, we recently bought a reusable air filter for our Heating plus A/C system. I am embarrassed to say that it took me more than a few years to realize that reusable air filters are an option, then before, we used to buy a current filter every few months. The complication with disposable air filters is that they come wrapped in plastic… Not only that however the metal, cardboard, as well as fabric that makes up disposable filters also add to the waste complication in this planet. The disposable air filter, on the other hand, can be washed again as well as again as well as used for over a decade. That makes me absolutely cheerful. I am sure it makes the earth cheerful too. It is brunch easy to scrub the reusable filter too. You just take it out of your Heating plus A/C system, scrub it down, then reinsert it. It is hardly any more work than changing a disposable filter. Besides, it saves us a lot of money, then disposable filters cost about $20 each.

air cleaner