Recently, there’s been an increase in my utility bill; I was running my oil furnace plus cooling system at optimal temperatures, I was replacing the air filter regularly, plus my Heating plus A/C specialist had just maintained my Heating plus A/C plan less than 6 weeks ago.
I searched my beach house high plus low plus I couldn’t find any leaks where the air might be slipping out, and one night, I woke up feeling entirely sizzling plus I couldn’t cool down, however while I was lying there in bed with no covers on, I realized that my oil furnace was continuously running.
I waited for it to stop, but it didn’t! I never heard my oil furnace run this much during the daytime, but I didn’t understand why it was running so much at night. I went down the hall to find the temperature control, which was directly across from my son’s room. I’ve constantly told him that he wasn’t allowed to touch the temperature control settings, so he knows better. The temperature control settings weren’t changed, but it was significantly colder in that section in front of my son’s door. When I opened up his door, I noticed that his kitchen window was wide open. There was a strong breeze coming in, but my child was fast asleep. I quietly shut the window plus waited for my temperature control to notice that it wasn’t so cold anymore. When I asked my child why his window was open the next day, he told myself and others that he was entirely sizzling during the night, but he knew he could not touch the temperature control settings.