Many furry creatures puts a load on the HVAC

I can remember when I would come home and the kids would run to me as I came through the door. It was really a pure experience and one that most dads cherish. That was a long time ago. All our kids are out of the house except one who chose to live almost next door. Now, when I open the door to my HVAC maintained house after work, I’m still met with love. However, it is the love of a bunch of foster kitties and pups. My wife and daughter run a sort of foster home for cats and dogs. People bring strays to us and my wife and daughter either find the owners or find them new homes. It started sort of by accident because those two women were so good about getting lost pets back to where they belonged. Before long, the community we live in saw our house as a pet haven. It’s definitely a labor of love. I do my part to help out. Something I learned right away was the impact all those furry creatures have on the HVAC. There is so much fur and dander in the air that it really effects the HVAC. I have to buy HVAC air filters by the case now. All of that fur and dander ends up getting sucked into the HVAC return. That makes quick work for clogging up an HVAC air filter. A clogged HVAC air filter will due harm to the heating & cooling system. Unobstructed air flow is so vital the optimum operation of any HVAC unit. So, I make sure to check the air filter every 4 or 5 days in order make sure the HVAC air filter isn’t all clogged up.


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