I fixed my air purifier, and it seems to be working just fine.
Sometimes when I fix things, they aren’t really fixed, and they stop working within just a few minutes.
I have done that many times with my vehicles and even my air conditioner. This time, I seem to have done it. My air purifier has been working for about three days since I fixed it. That is a new record for things that I have fixed. That is not completely true, but it has worked longer than most things that I attempt to fix. I am so glad that my air purifier is working again because I was worried that I might get this airborne virus that is going around. I feel much safer having an air purifier in my house. Although the air purifier was quite old, it was actually not that hard to fix. I am not used to working on older things like that. I have done some work on my air conditioners, but they were all newer, so I was afraid that I would not understand how to fix my air purifier. Thankfully, the air purifier actually turned out to be an easier fix than any of my other jobs. It only took me about ten minutes to figure out what was wrong with the air purifier and another twenty minutes to fix it. I have a working air purifier once again. My mom was pretty proud of me when I called her and told her that I actually successfully fixed my air purifier. Even she was surprised.