It is pretty neat
I have needed a heater in my bedroom since living in this house. I have lived here for over fifteen years, and I have never even tried to address the problem of why my room is so much colder than the rest of the house. I had been using the same old space heater in there for fifteen years, and I figured it was at least time to get a new one. I really need to just go ahead and look into why my room is so cold and fix that, but instead, I got another space heater. I really don’t understand myself sometimes. The new heater I got is pretty cool though. It has so many more options than my old heater had. I can set a timer for it to come on when I want it to and for it to turn off when I want it to. I love it! It also has a thermostat, so once it reaches the temperature that I set the thermostat at, the heater turns itself off. That is really nice because I would often have to turn my old heater off during the night because it would get too warm in my room. After a few hours of the heater being off, it would get cold in my room again, and I would have to turn the heater back on. Let’s just say, it made for some pretty sleepless nights. I am so grateful for my new heater, and I actually really enjoy using it. It is pretty neat. One day, I will get my bedroom fixed, but until then, I will enjoy using my new heater.