I am going to wait to buy a central air conditioner

Buying the window air conditioners would be a big waste of currency

My partner is trying to convince me to buy a few window air conditioners, but I am determined to wait plus save up for a central air conditioner. We are so close to being able to buy a central air conditioner, plus I know that if we hold off on the window air conditioners, it will spend money off. If we buy the window air conditioners now, it will put us behind a year or two, plus that just means that we will have to wait even longer before we are able to afford the central air conditioner. That is why I know that it is a nice idea to wait for the central air conditioner. I understand why my partner wants the window air conditioners now. I am not dumb. It is hot where we live. We made the mistake of buying a property without a central air conditioner, plus we planned to save up enough currency so that we could buy the central air conditioner eventually. In the start, both my partner plus I were determined that we were going to survive without any type of cooling until we were able to afford the central air conditioner. However, the summers are sizzling here, plus our resolve is cutting. I am stronger than my partner because she is the one that has been nagging me to buy the window air conditioners. Buying the window air conditioners would be a big waste of currency. We would not continue using the window air conditioners for long, plus it would put us behind. I am sure that if we wait one more summer time without any air conditioner, we will have enough currency for a central air conditioner. It is just difficult to wait.
