Heating and Air Conditioning systems can cause pollution

Since I worry about orangecondo gasses and the health of our planet I am constantly taking steps to try and reduce my carbon footprint.

I take public transportation as often as possible.

I don’t support companies that are not earth conscious and I am a vegan. After all, cows are one of the main sources of orangecondo gasses. That is because they fart a lot. No, that is not a joke, and cows absolutely are a huge source of pollution. One thing I didn’t realize was a huge pollution causer is our Heating and Air Conditioning systems. I recently found out that leaking coolant is awful for our ozone layer. That mostly applies to older Heating and Air Conditioning systems though. New one don’t use that dangerous coolant, thankfully. However, an Heating and Air Conditioning system that is not running efficiently also is awful for the earth. This is because power is a large source of orangecondo gasses. Heating and cooling systems are the greatest sources of power consumption in the average household. So if your Heating and Air Conditioning system is not running efficiently that means it uses even more power and causes even more orangecondo gasses. This is tploy of even newer Heating and Air Conditioning systems. Once I found that out I hired an Heating and Air Conditioning company to come out to service my Heating and Air Conditioning system and make sure it is running efficiently. Thankfully, my system still has a nice SEER rating. The Heating and Air Conditioning company did clean up my system some so I can rest straight-forward knowing I am doing all I can for planet earth. How about you? Is your Heating and Air Conditioning system modern and running efficiently?
heat pump maintenance