Boyfriend buys AC window unit in the middle of the night

I’ve been thinking a lot about one of my exes recently.

We would have had our four year anniversary the other day, had we stayed together.

Unfortunately, with all of this rattling around in my brain I have had a pretty difficult time. I’m not saying that I miss him or the relationship but there are aspects of it that I’m mourning. For instance, there was no doubt that he took good care of me when we were together. I remember one particular instance of terrible indoor air quality when he went so far out of his way to make me comfortable. I was staying at his apartment and it was always brutally hot and humid in his room. There was an AC window unit located across the apartment that didn’t provide any fresh indoor air to his sleeping space. As such, I was suffering from many nights of insomnia and terrible dreams. I continually complained about the air conditioning unit but there was no point in fixing the heating and cooling setup when he was about to move anyway. Still, in the middle of the night as I sweated through the sheets he decided that enough was enough with the hot indoor air. My ex got up in the middle of the night, drove to Walmart, and bought a high-quality AC window unit. He installed the cooling system above the bed that very night. Finally, I was able to get to sleep and we had air conditioning for the rest of our relationship. Considering that AC adventure, I miss him sometimes.

HVAC maintenance