Working out at the gym increases stamina and helps with my workday

It’s strenuous working in landscaping.

The weather is always a factor.

Sometimes the temperatures climb into the high 90s with brutal humidity during the day. I am typically dripping with sweat and constantly drinking water. I’m regularly exposed to the sun and I need to be careful about sunburns, dehydration and heat stroke. I worry about developing skin cancer sometime in the future due to all of this constant UV exposure. I am conscientious about applying sunscreen, but working in the heat for eight to ten hours a day means that I sweat it off my skin. Even if I reapply sunscreen, I can’t keep up with it all day long. However, the sun exposure and heat is only part of the issues I face. Having the strength and stamina to manage the long hours of manual labor is a concern. There is a lot of lifting, squatting, bending and hauling required. I regularly trim trees plus and pile the branches on the scrap trailer. Fortunately, I figured out a way to elevate my abilities at work. Heading to the gym four to five times per week for cardio exercise and weightlifting has greatly improved my strength and endurance. I don’t get fatigued as quickly or as sore when I work my landscaping shift. If I workout at the gym on a regular basis, I have better flexibility and range of motion. I have considered signing up with a personal trainer to elevate my fitness to the next level. For now, I’m getting enough from working out on my own at the gym to make the cost of membership worth every penny. It’s also nice having a way to get rid of stress and focus on my health. I use the gym as a release.

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