There was a time when I was younger that the streets would be filled with kids playing.
We would ride our bikes and play tag all day long until our parents called us for dinner. My grandfather used to whistle very loud when it was time for us to come home, I can still hear his whistle in my mind. Those days are long gone now and the streets are empty. I just think of all of the kids sitting in their houses now staring at their screens. It’s so unhealthy for them but it seems too difficult to stop. I am trying to get my kid interested in fixing air conditioners for a living since he is so good with his hands. All he seems to want to do though is play on the laptop all day long. I showed him how our air purifier works and how to replace the HEPA filter in it but then he just went back to playing games on the computer. It’s such an addiction that he will cry if I tell him he can’t play on the computer for a few hours. I think each week I’ll have him clean the air filters in our furnace and air conditioning to be able to use the computer for a couple of hours. There needs to be some kind of chores each week for him or he will just stare at the computer all day long like a zombie. I think if he became an air conditioning workman he would find some satisfaction in it.