When I went to the store, I was craving some steak subs. I picked up some shaved beef, sub rolls, provolone cheese, peppers, bell peppers, and some cooking oil. I was kind of in a hurry to get out of the store though because for some reason, the air quality was lacking and it was absolutely cold in the place. I guessed that the heating plan was not laboring because there were portable gas furnaces all around the store. When I asked about it at the check-out counter, the employee told myself and others that it was terrible when the heating plan quit laboring and they were told it should be repaired in a few minutes. The employee said he was not looking forward to suffering in the cold, however at least he was able to wear his jacket. I felt bad, although I hoped that their Heating plus Air Conditioning experts would come soon to take care of that commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning repair. When I was heading home, I was cranking the heating plan the whole way. When I stepped inside, it was cooking time! I fried up the shaved beef and mixed in the oil, minced bell peppers, peppers, and I added our own special flavoring to absolutely spice things up! I melted the provolone cheese while toasting the sub rolls and when I put everything together, I was ready to watch some pigskin! I had some friends come over too and I already made everybody a steak sub. When everybody was saying they wished they could have another 1, I said I had a whole other package of shaved beef, and I could fry up some more, but of course, I waited until half time while we were in the pigskin game to do this because I wasn’t trying to miss the game!