There’s a lot more give and take in the world than I think we like to admit.
For some reason lately, everything is right or wrong.
There are no more grey areas. That’s a shame because it makes us pay more attention to our differences than what we share. And of course, that leads to all sorts of drama and worse. I like to see where the give and take can take me. Like with the HVAC equipment. Since the pandemic, my wife and I have been in a bit of a financial hole. It’s nothing we can’t work our way out of. But it’s not pleasant to make the cuts in spending we’ve had to make. There was even a point where we considered shedding the HVAC service plan from the household budget. It seemed sort of intense that we were actually at that point. But that money could sure be used for some other essentials. And believe me, I know how essential quality heat and air is to a household. But I was actually talking myself into thinking the HVAC equipment could go four or five season without HVAC maintenance. Then my wife pointed out that we could really cut back on HVAC cooling and HVAC heating to help defray the cost of HVAC maintenance. See that? That’s the give and take of life in action. Thankfully for me, I live with a forward thinking, brilliant woman. But even a dummy like me sees the beauty in what she proposed. We did just that and almost paid for all the HVAC maintenance with our HVAC cost savings.