Thinking about no HVAC is a bit scary

So if we didn’t have modern HVAC technology and there was no such thing as residential HVAC, we wouldn’t freeze during the winter.

Please understand that I’m only talking about the region I currently live in.

Our area enjoys very mild winters, to say the least. They are nothing compared to the harsh winters requiring a gas furnace that the folks up north deal with. So if we didn’t have residential HVAC, I think we could get by with a small wood stove. But considering what it would be like during the summer gives me real pause for thought. Living here without the benefit and comfort of HVAC cooling would be beyond tough. Of course, there were generations and generations of families that came from here and never once felt the comfort of air conditioning in the summer. So, it’s not like it can’t be done. Still, I really can’t even imagine how I’d go about my life. For one, I’d be staking out my piece of shade and toting some sort of fan with me after lunchtime. The peak heating hours of the afternoon are broiling here. Retreating to the shade, a breeze of a fan would be about the only relief one could hope for. Like I said, there were many, many generations that got through it. However, I sure am thankful that an HVAC-less summer is not a reality. And that also makes me even that much more thankful for modern HVAC technology and residential HVAC. So maybe give that some thought as you are adjusting the thermostat on a hot day next time. I know that my perspective has changed when it comes to how essential residential HVAC is to my life.



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