There were numerous women, 2 family rooms, and a single powder room.

Our child thought that since she was in university, she should not be living with her parents anymore.

I kind of shrugged and simply said okay.

I felt that if she really wanted to transfer out, after that I was going to allow her to transfer out. She found a notice on the bulletin board where more than two women were looking for a roommate. She answered the notice and they agreed to let her join them. When she saw the apartment, she wasn’t so sure she had made the right decision. There were 2 family rooms, and only a single powder room between the numerous of them. There was a single control unit in each family room and a control unit for the rest of the apartment. She looked a bit taken aback, but she agreed to transfer in. It didn’t take a week until the weather changed and she was ready to come home. In order to get enough heat to keep the apartment warm, they had to have the control unit set at eighty. They had to carry their books and laundry up numerous floors. She said she wanted to come home, even though I told her no. She had made the decision to transfer in with the women and they counted on her to stay there and pay rent for at least a year. She told us how horrible the heating was and how she had t5o share a room with a girl who snored and didn’t let her turn the control unit down. I found it funny to hear her complain, and I almost agreed to let her come home, but she had signed the lease.

a/c repair