My husband and I had been saving for our honeymoon for almost five years.
Although we had been married for five years now, we were finally going to go on our honeymoon. We booked a hotel that was going to cost us over $2000 a night. The hotel was right by the ocean. Every room had a private beach setting and open doors leading to a private patio. There were no dining rooms, but chefs were available to cook for each suite, when they called room service. It was considered to be a hotel for the rich, and we were going for a full week. When we got there, the first thing my husband did was call room service, and then he looked for a thermostat. He thought it was a bit too warm in the room. I told him it was probably because there were no doors on the patio. He was now worried less about the thermostat and air conditioning, but he worried more about someone being able to get into our room. I stood out on the terrace and realized there was no way anyone could get into the room. We had a secured and private entrance from our room to the privacy beach. He asked how we were going to keep the mosquitoes out and be comfortable at night. I pulled the mosquito netting down over the open terrace door, and moved to the bed to do the same. That’s when he realized there was cool air conditioning blowing from an air vent and pointed directly at the bed and the eating area.