The tint on my windows was much too dark

I was only a mile from my residence, when I heard the siren behind me

I knew there was a pretty serious concern with the window tint that I had put on our car. It made me sort of feel as though it was getting especially dark outside. Even though it was the middle of the afternoon, the tint was so dark. When I picked the vehicle up, I told them I wanted it at least 3 shades lighter, but they could not do anything at that time. I was going to need to drive the vehicle as is, until the following weekend arrived. I kept my fingers crossed as I headed to work the very next day. I had been told that the police could totally give you a ticket for having window tinting that was a bit too dark. I passed multiple police cars on my way to work & none of them took notice of the crazy dark window tint. On the way back to my residence, I once again passed multiple police officers, but they didn’t seem to care so much about the dark window tint, either. I assume I was feeling extremely confident after so many days went by & nobody bothered to stop me. Either they didn’t notice the window tint or they didn’t care enough. Friday dawned bright & sunny & I was wondering if I shouldn’t wait & leave the dark window tint on the windows alone. On the way back to my residence from work, I changed my mind altogether. I was only a mile from my residence, when I heard the siren behind me. I pulled over & a cop got out of his car. Gladly, he only gave me a simple warning when I told him about my appointment the next day. He told me that he was ecstatic to hear that, but if I didn’t show proof of the change within forty-eight hours, the warning would change into a ticket.


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