Working at the hunting store wasn’t so bad, plus I got to sample some pretty cool gear. While our friends were going for pigskin practice, I’d chosen to get a part-time job after school. The skills I was reading were going to help me run our business. I’d started an online store at home, plus it was doing so well, then dad plus mom were quite supportive plus encouraged me to get some contractor skills. I’d approached the owner of the hunting goods store plus asked him to teacher me, plus he agreed. So far, everything I’d l acquired was proving useful in our business. I’d work on our contractor after work plus send packages during the weekend, but my goal was to scale it up after school because I planned to attend contractor classes at night rather than university. On Tuesday, I was at house taking care of the inventory when the cooling system shut off. It happened hastily, plus the house was heating up. I called mom at work to inform her that the cooling system had shut down, plus she instructed me on what to do. There was a contractor card in dad’s office with the contacts of the Heating plus A/C contractor in town. I called the number, gave them the necessary information, plus told them an A/C company would come to the house in the afternoon. The A/C company found out the Heating plus A/C system had a clogged drainage pipe which had caused the machine to go into emergency shut off. The A/C company cleared out the algae plus left the machine running once more.