I was so done with work for the week and wanted to unwind.
- Last year, a new bar opened just a couple of steps from our company.
That became our favorite hang-out place after work. We’d head there with other co-workers, have some drinks and food before heading home. Since many of us were single, staying at the bar became our thing. We’d spend a few hours chatting, dancing, and eating. Perhaps it was our way of not facing the lonely situation at home. My co-workers and I walked to the bar and sat at our usual spot. But, I immediately noticed something was off since the place was hot and musty. We had to ask the lady taking our orders why the air conditioning was turned off. She replied that they were experiencing heating and cooling issues. The air conditioning had been tripping the circuit breaker all day. That’s why the owner opted to turn off the cooling system. He’d placed a call to the area HVAC repair company to hire an air conditioning expert early in the day. However, the expert had only arrived 15 minutes before we walked into the bar. The waitress apologized for the uncomfortable situation and asked us to be a little patient. It was in the middle of summer, so we all felt like leaving to find a place with air conditioning. But, we also realized this was a genuine issue and understood it was getting handled. Since the bar was our favorite spot, we chose to stay and wait for the air conditioning expert to fix the issue.