The cooling business didn’t even apologize

As of recently, I have been going through my mental checklist of all of the things I would like to add to my home.

One of the things that kept getting pushed to the back of the list was a portable heating and cooling system.

This is something I have wanted for years, because I am fairly sensitive to temperatures, and a portable HVAC would be majorly beneficial to people like me. However, due to other financial issues, I could never get what I wanted and instead the thought of a portable cooling unit was pushed to the back of my mind. Anyways, I realized that now was the perfect time to finally go and purchase the portable HVAC system. Right now, I have a stable job, great income and none of my kids or pets need any doctor or vet visits, so nothing expensive is coming my way either. I calculated and recalculated in my head over and over again just to make sure I would have enough money, every time I got the same answer. Well, I then knew what to do. I went to my heating and air conditioning corporation’s website, and purchased a portable HVAC there. It was estimated that it would arrive in 2 weeks. Well, after two weeks the A/C didn’t show up. When I contacted the cooling corporation, they couldn’t even find my purchase in their database, and I had to show them that my card was charged and I had a confirmation email from them before they agreed to send one out. The most annoying part is that they didn’t even apologize.


Whole home air purification