My wife had what she called a Tweety-bird from the time she was a little girl.
When a single bird died, the two of us would buy another a single, because she loved the sound of the bird in the afternoon.
Our most recent bird had only been with us for about a week, when it abruptly passed away. It was healthy, and since the two of us had been longtime owners of birds, the two of us knew it had to have something wrong with it. We bought another bird that day, and within an hour of being in the house, it abruptly quit singing and died. My wife and I were so alarmed that the two of us packed a bag and left the house. We remembered how miners would use birds to tell them when there was carbon monoxide in the mine. The bird would die before the carbon monoxide saturation got too awful for the miners. I called the Heating, Ventilation and A/C supplier and the fire supplier as soon as the two of us were out of the house. The Heating, Ventilation and A/C supplier didn’t answer instantly, but they called us back within a few hours. I told them about our bird abruptly dying. I also told them that our Heating, Ventilation and A/C worker was afraid that a section of our gas furnace was getting weaker. I said I had called the fire supplier, and they confirmed the home had a high concentration of carbon monoxide and the two of us were fortunate the two of us had left. We had to purchase a current furnace. It’s funny because if our bird hadn’t died, the two of us wouldn’t have known our furnace wasn’t toiling properly, and the two of us may not have lived long enough to call the Heating, Ventilation and A/C supplier.
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