The bill was high

The other week I had to call the local heating and air conditioning company to send out a heat and a/c specialist to repair my central HVAC system.

We have been having a major heat wave here and the air conditioning went out.

The repair costs were not too bad. However, when I got the bill it was much higher than it should have been! I was wondering what on earth was going on. I right away ran to the telephone to call the local heating and air conditioning company to ask them what was going on and why the bill was so darn high! They looked at their invoices and found that there was a mistake that happened in accounting. They apologised up and down how sorry they were and that they were going to fix it right away so I could pay the original price that was supposed to be. For the inconvenience they gave me 5 free vouchers to have HVAC tune ups and check ups! They were good for life as long as the heating and air conditioning company was still in business. So this was a nice bonus. I will not have to pay for my seasonal heat and a/c system tune ups and check ups for the next year and a half or so! You have no complaints here on that one! That is several hundred dollars worth of savings, all because they messed up on the HVAC repair bill and wanted to show how sorry they were. Now that is great customer service if you ask me!


hvac business