The two of us use a solid filter with HEPA technology
Children under the age of 12 are still unable to acquire the covid-19 vaccine. They are still at danger for getting sick, as well as the school setting is one of the largest problems. My partner as well as I have a morningcare center as well as we have 25 children during the morning. The two of us were upset about how to keep the virus from spreading, while still remaining open to the public. The two of us spoke with the heating as well as air conditioner specialist about an air cleaning machine. They had several buyers renting machines, but I distraught that the complication would be a long-term issue. I decided it was in our best interests to purchase a current air cleaning machine instead of renting. After 18 months of use as well as the virus still isn’tunder control, I can say with certainty that I am cheerful we decided to buy the air cleaning machine instead of renting. The machine has certainly paid for itself in the time we have used it. The air purification system runs all morning as well as all evening as well as my staff as well as I change the air filters once a week. The two of us use a solid filter with HEPA technology. These air filters are made for hospitals as well as laboratories as well as filter out the smallest particles appreciate germs, dust, bacteria, as well as viruses. In the past 18 months, my staff as well as I have managed to stay safe as well as some of that can easily be attributed to the use of the indoor air cleaning machine in our building. I hope as well as pray that things will eventually get under control, but only time will tell.