That seasoned window A/C unit meant the world to our Grandpa

Over the years, I always asked our Grandpa why he kept this seasoned window A/C unit he had.

He said they don’t make those units any longer and it had sentimental value to him.

It wasn’t until he was close to passing away that he asked myself and others a favor. He told myself and others he wanted myself and others to make sure he was buried with that window A/C unit in his coffin. He said that the window A/C unit was given to him as a gift from Grandma. It clearly meant a lot to him and he told myself and others the story about when he first bought it for him, then he thought he maybe didn’t prefer the gift, but he promised it was the best gift he had ever acquired from anybody. He also promised his that he would take that gift with him to his grave just to show his how much it meant to him and how much he meant to him. I thought it was such a good story and wondered if he made it sound more impressive than it absolutely was, then anyway, I promised him I would honor his wish to be buried with that window A/C unit. When I told the people laboring at the funeral repair to put this window A/C unit in his coffin with his arm around it, they thought I was nuts. That was until I told everybody the story. I even spoke at the funeral repair and told everybody there about the story and how it was our Grandpa’s last wish to make sure he fulfilled that promise to his appealing husband. I knew they were ecstatic smiling down from heaven, although I was glad that they would be reunited again.

air duct