Tell me what SEO means

When I screwed up so badly recently on our personal online SEO campaign, I wanted to go to the best.

I typed different keywords into the search box, and I kept coming up with digital SEO. I wanted to know what digital SEO is? The only part of digital SEO that pinpointed, was Social Media Marketing media. I wanted to figure out what I was doing wrong. The first thing I knew I had done wrong apparently was not including a telephone number, the name of the supplier or a website address even. I thought I was maintaining our privacy and keeping a bunch of jerks from rapidly filling up our mailbox. I realized I should have been focusing on more than just Facebook and Twitter. I didn’t consider LInked In, SnapChat, PInterest, or Instagram. To be honest, I didn’t even have accounts on most. I never thought anyone on SnapChat, Instagram, or Pinterest would be interested in modern Heating and Air Conditioning. I gained that all the people was interested in Heating and Air Conditioning because it easily involves their personal comfort. I also liked that digital SEO involved affiliate programs. I finally knew I should hire someone who could do the digital SEO for me. With all the pertinent information about SEO, affiliate programs, and social media SEO, I was lost. If I were finally to hire a digital SEO supplier, I would honestly recoup the cost in less than a year, and then I think it would all be gravy. I got in touch with someone online and I am so excited.

Search engine optimization