Technology is increasing in amazing and alarming ways

I love technology, especially the kind that makes you comfortable like heating and cooling systems.

Of course, I wonder sometimes where technology will take us and if it will be the end of us.

I guess I get paranoid sometimes after watching movies like ‘I Robot’ or ‘Terminator’ but I feel like something like that could potentially happen in the future. I remember reading the other day some article talking about how eventually everybody will be upgraded with artificial intelligence and what not. The guy was saying that everybody will have to advance with technology or they will be entirely left behind. Personally, I would rather be left behind before anybody tries to install some crazy technology into my body. I enjoy using technology like my radiant heated floors and my smart thermostat, but when it comes to installing operating systems into people, you can forget it! I personally don’t even think people should be okay with this sort of thing. When it comes to making people into cyborgs, I just picture it being a giant disaster. It’s kind of like how Skynet takes over all our technology systems in a short period of time, who’s to say artificial intelligence wouldn’t try to override people’s brains and take them over. It would be a way to turn people into slaves or something very sinister like that. I know it sounds like I’m a paranoid quack, but this kind of thing really does scare me. I do believe the potential to do major things like that is around the corner and we should be cautious about how we proceed with such technology.


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