Sunroom goes from hot house to super comfortable with HVAC

There was simply no question in my mind that a move to the south would end up being great.

But, I was surprised at how quickly I became totally enamored with the area we moved to.

Not having the brutal winter was a big bonus of course. Plus, being free of the enormous HVAC heating bills was a great thing as well. Of course there is a bit of a tradeoff when it comes to the weather. Our new home deals with a summer heat that I was taken aback by initially. It was just so hot and humid that I could not believe it at first. However, I learned to manage. The best thing to do is to be inside the HVAC cooling during the peak heating hours of the day. That works out fine for me given the fact that I am working during that time. While I am semi retired, I still have a consulting business that I love. It keeps me busy and is not too much either. Working from home also allows me to manage the HVAC use more closely. It works best for me to have the inside temperature not more than 15 degrees cooler than the outside temps. This approach really cuts down the HVAC utility bills and also doesn’t make it such a shock when I go outside. However, one of the things I loved most about this house was just unusable during the summer until recently. The house has a built on sun room. In the summer it is just so hot that I can’t even set foot in there. That seemed like a waste so I had the local HVAC put in a ductless HVAC unit.



temperature control