Sunroom get year round use with ductless HVAC

It makes a hot day cooler and a cool morning much more comfortable

I was a bit stressed out with the idea of retiring. This is probably the exact opposite way most people feel as they face ending their career. But I watched my dad sort of just fade away once he stopped working. He and I have a lot in common when it comes for the passion we hold for our jobs. Dad just sort of sat in his recliner in the air conditioning all day once he quit going to the office. I didn’t want that to happen to me. Plus, I wasn’t sure just how I was going to face all the hours of the day without having a job. Thankfully, my wife kept us on track. We did stuff like upgrade the HVAC equipment in our home to get the best price for it. And she planned the trips down south to where we were moving so we could find a house. We had the heat pump in that place upgraded as well. So really, all I had to do was get through that last day and get on with the rest of my life. It turned out that I needn’t have worried one bit about retirement. Shoot, I could just sit in the sunroom all day. Of course, I won’t do that as there are rounds of golf to play and plenty of help for my wife in the garden. However, I love the fact that I can sit out in the sunroom all year, in any season because of the ductless heat pump out there. It makes a hot day cooler and a cool morning much more comfortable. Retirement is good and I’m really glad to be able to enjoy it the way I hoped was possible.

heated floors