Should I be an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C Repairman when Comedy is what I Truly Love?

I am not exactly swimming in money since deciding to pursue the lights of the stages as an entertainer.

It’s a choice I made years ago and I knew it wouldn’t be an easy path. Besides not making a lot of money, some of the hard moments on stage could twist the stomach into knots of the most old artists. I guess I have done almost 2000 comedy sets and I bet I bombed on about 750 of them. I should write a book of all of my disappointing experiences while doing sit up. It would be a thick book. If I chose the path of an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C repairman it would have been much easier on my ego, but I’m sure I wouldn’t be cheerful just cleaning heating systems and a/cs all day long. Periodically every one of us have to go out on our own and get beat up a little bit to find what it is every one of us were meant to do. I can’t imagine just working on heating and air conditioner all day when deep down inside I want to be on a stage doing comedy. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with doing a “normal” task if that is what you are split out to do. Therefore, if you are working at an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C company all day but you like playing the guitar, you won’t ever be content. Try to find what it is that moves you inside and figure out how to do it for a living or at least for a activity. You’ll be much happier in the end.
