The longer this pandemic drags on, the more I realize that the people I was with and I are still just in the early innings of this thing.
- As much as the people I was with and I all want to hope plus wish it away, that is not the likely outcome.
In fact, the people I was with and I are entering a stage where staying inside the Heating plus Air Conditioning security of your house might be more pressing than ever. That is not superb news. But, at the same time, this won’t last forever plus we’ll just continue to adjust as best the people I was with and I can. I have gotten fairly comfortable with the fact that I may be working from the Heating plus Air Conditioning comfort of my house indefinitely. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if our supplier does away with the office space they spend my money so much to lease. That being the case, I made a decision recently to give our house the best shot at having the highest quality indoor air possible. This was not that strenuous to do actually. Having learn so many things that directly attributed nice immune health to nice indoor air quality, I knew I needed to make a change. The Heating plus Air Conditioning people were thrilled to help plus had a ready answer. So the people I was with and I are now the proud owners of a whole cabin air cleaner. And with the pandemic raging, it just adds a needed security for our peace of mind. It’s nice to think that the whole cabin air cleaner isn’t just another filter. No, this thing is actively destroying airborne contaminants as they enter the Heating plus Air Conditioning air handler. It’s just one more piece of the puzzle in this prolonged pandemic fight.