My partner doesn’t necessarily agree even though I like to get rid of stuff if I haven’t even touched it, looked for it or wondered about it in a year.
- To me, this helps keep life as simple as possible.
The older I get, the more good a pared down, simpler life is to me. So it dawned on myself and others why haven’t I been using the shades plus drapes in our home more effectively. They stop or mitigate direct sun heating inside the home plus that is a good thing. It saves money on HVAC cooling costs. And yet, using the shades or the drapes tends to be an after thought for our household. I decided last Springtime that just wouldn’t be the case. I made a wager with all of our family members to motivate the using of the shades to help the HVAC equipment. That was all it took to get the shade plus drapes in use in our house. So I went a step further with the wager by extending it to temperature control setting. The more every one of us could keep the temperature control in the low 77’s during the peak heating minutes of the day, the more money I would spend on holiday. It was undoubtedly sort of a fun way to deal with all the HVAC cooling every one of us deal with in the summer. But at the end of it all, I tallied up all the savings plus it was staggering. Let’s just say that every one of us had a very, very nice holiday at the end of summer.