Well, later on that day, an HVAC professional came out to her place
My whole family was always religious over the years, but my baby sister ended up falling away from religion. I always told her I was praying for her over the years and hoped that her life would be filled with excitement, peace, and good times. Well, one time when she was having issues with her HVAC system, she said she needed help. She said she couldn’t afford a new HVAC system. She asked if she could borrow money, but unfortunately I didn’t have any money to lend. I told her I would pray for her. She threw her hands up and told me that prayer wasn’t going to help her in this situation. I calmed her down and then said a prayer with her on the spot. I prayed that in some way, her situation would be resolved and that she would find comfort in her home. She was shaking her head the whole time. Well, later on that day, an HVAC professional came out to her place. She was surprised because she didn’t call an HVAC professional to come out and she asked if I had sent him to her place. He explained that she was one of their regular clients and they did a random drawing to have free HVAC repairs done for one of their customers, and her name came up in the drawing! She was totally in disbelief and was crying when the HVAC worker fixed everything for her and she was comfortable in her home again. She called me up and said that prayer really did work for her, but she didn’t know how.