Of course, there is a/c in the jailhouse.

Our granddaughter was with us Last yearwhen the two of us passed a prison. She was really upset going past the building and she had all kinds of questions. She made Papa pull over so she could look at the sharp wire all along the walls. He told her that there were some people inside who were being punished and the wire kept them from crawling over the walls and running away. She didn’t prefer that they would run away, but she said she understood. She noticed that the building was all rock and this had her concerned. She told us how she had burned her feet when she took her shoes off and walked on the sidewalk in front of the house. If the sidewalk got that hot, she was sure the people in the building would get hot. She wanted to think if they had a/c to keep them cool. Papa simply told her that of course, there is a/c in the jailhouse. The people inside couldn’t survive if they didn’t have a/c in the summer. They even had heating for the winter. He told her that the big machines on top of the building were the a/cs and there were numerous heating systems in the basement. When she asked how he knew all that about the heating systems and the a/c, he proudly told her that he helped install the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system. She wanted to think if he walked up on the wall prefer those guys she saw. He laughed and said he was a single of the Heating, Ventilation and A/C workers who installed all the Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit when the prison was first built.

zone control