We live about a mile away from Mennonites however I have never imagined how odd their lifestyle is, however i see them in town once a while buying stuff but that has just about it, but our school has a program dedicated to learning odd cultures and why some have stayed the same for centuries, this year, it was my class’s time to experience the difference. I was overcome with excitement and my parents tried to help myself and others keep my cool and advise myself and others on what to do and what not to do during the trip. Part of being there involved spending the night and joining the community in their afternoon-to-day activities. On the afternoon of the visit, culture shock hit myself and others right from the edge of town; Large strips of land with so much crop grown all over! Everyone seems to have duty and they sync in well with the rest.The greatest shock came when every one of us had to settle in for the night, then although I didn’t expect to see any indoor air cleaning system, I didn’t see a lot of other things such as an oil heater, gas oil furnace, or any kind of temperature control features. The only heating devices available were wood stoves and coal. Amazingly they were quite efficient that I forgot about the electric oil furnace and radiant gas furnaces I see back home, and with this simple life, they hardly need a/c reps around, no boiler maintenance to worry about, no cooling install and of course, not a heating corporation in sight. I thought everyone needed a took care of air conditioner filter to get quality A/C maintenance but no, the mennonites were doing just fine, however my quest to recognize more about HVAC to educate them about it was all in vain. What an experience!