Walking in our property was something that I once sort of had a big batch of dread for.
- It’s not the situation in our property or the people in it.
Actually, all of that has been superb and I count myself quite lucky. What I wanted to do was to come back to my property from my job and relax in the Heating plus Air Conditioning a bit in our beautiful place. But when I walked in the door, the stinky aroma of the indoor air just smacked me square in the face. And it was unavoidable. My wifey and I are actually pretty clean people. While the two of us have a cat, she is also fastidious and isn’t the problem either. However, when you mix in the litter box, the cooking aromas and Heating plus Air Conditioning recycled, stale air all together, it’s not going to be wonderful. And that was our situation for the most part. No amount of cleaning or bleaching countertops or any of that would actually change things for us. It might have a better smell for a few hours or possibly a day. But then it was right back to the horrible aromas. And it’s not as though we didn’t try numerous deodorizers on the market. But they were all ultimately no good. Common sense says well, just open the window or a door for some fresh air right? Not where we happen to be living. It’s tremendously chilly in the nippy season and scorching in the summer time so the Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment is running pretty much all the time. And the two of us honestly are unable to afford to heat and cool the outside plus inside of our place. Finally, it got to the point that the two of us had to ask for a bit of assistance. My wifey had the fantastic idea to contact the Heating plus Air Conditioning people as they were the indoor air workers. That’s what I did and happily, they were able to bring the solution with a whole home air purifier.