My wife and I didn’t agree about getting a new A/C system

When I told my wife I was going for an A/C system tune-up, she said we needed to replace the old A/C system.

I asked her why we would do that when it was working fine.

She told me because it was not very energy efficient and it was on its last leg. I didn’t agree, I thought the energy bills were reasonable so long as we kept up with regular maintenance. She pointed out that the cooling system was 12 years old. I felt it would probably last over 15 years, and I wanted to see it to its end. My wife huffed and puffed but I said we still needed to just keep going with our A/C system until it was done. Well, I regretted it when the A/C system quit working on us in the summer season. My wife gave me a hard time about it because we suffered for days in the heat with no cooling and we ended up having to replace the old A/C system anyway. She told me she had a feeling that the cooling system would not make it even though I kept arguing that it would last over 15 years. Well, apparently this A/C system was not built to last. Of course, we did end up getting something so much nicer. Now we have a ductless mini split A/C and it’s the most amazing A/C system I’ve ever owned. We have different zones in the house for cooling so we don’t even have to fight over the temperature control settings. I never liked to have too much air conditioning and sometimes I would wear a jacket when my wife was cranking the A/C, but now that’s no longer something I have to do!

