My stain was removed easily

My partner called me from the liquor store wanting to know when I would be home.

I said I was nearly there.

All of us were out of everything decent in the house. I needed to stop by the store and also get some booze. I ran to my car with my jacket over my head and turned on the AC to dry off. The drive to the store was nice, with the rain coming down and some enjoyable songs on the radio. But again, I had to make a run to the store, buy some dinner and wine, then hurry back. By the time I got home, I was tired and knew our partner would want to eat. The youngsters came to the van to help me carry the groceries in. I didn’t realize 1 had taken the bag with the wine until it was too late. I heard the bottles crash to the floor as I walked in plus found the wine had spilled all over our carpet. The carpet was white and tan and brand new, so this was not a great thing to happen. I had to rush to scrub the wine with towels and carpet cleaner as my partner searched for carpet cleaning services. We wanted to book their cleaning services as soon as possible to prevent the stain from getting into the fibers. My partner managed to get a booking for the following day from the carpet cleaning business. I was so frustrated they’d not do a good job, however they ended up doing excellent carpet cleaning.


Cleaning lady