It’s sort of weird having my kid come home from college.
This is the third year he’s been away at school but it’s still sort of strange for me.
Perhaps that comes with just having one child. When they go off to start their own lives, the house is really quiet. Like, I can hear the HVAC unit turning off and no problem. It’s that sort of quiet. Not that my kid was loud really. It’s just different. So when he’s home, I just revel in the feeling and enjoy his presence. During a visit last spring, my son laid some knowledge on me that ended up being quite beneficial to our home. We were talking about the upcoming summer and facing the heat again. Our region is fairly notorious for the heat we see in the summer. And there is plenty of HVAC cooling to offset that heat of summer. We were discussing that and the utility costs of HVAC when he mentioned that I should consider putting in a smart thermostat. This was not the first time someone had suggested that a smart thermostat was a great idea. Yet, I was always sort of disinterested since I had gone to the trouble of learning to program our digital thermostat. But the more my son talked about the benefits of the smart thermostat, the more it made sense. So I had one put in prior to the start of summer by the HVAC company. And wow, my kid did me such a solid. The smart thermostat saved us over 15 percent on HVAC cooling costs. And that’s after all the cost saving measures I always put in place during the summer.