My child helped me to scrub the AC condenser unit

When I went to scrub the outdoor AC condenser unit in the Spring season, our child said he wanted to help, i told him he could help first by helping to clear all the leaves from around the Heating and A/C component. He pulled the big trash can over plus the two of us started filling it with all the leaves plus other debris! Then I opened the top of the Heating and A/C component plus checked inside, of course I had already turned the shut off for the power, so I knew there was no risk of being electrocuted. There were a few leaves inside the Heating and A/C component, so the two of us dug those out. There I let our child carefully spray the fin coils to get all the dirt outside of the unit; My child did a pretty good task considering it was his first time cleaning out a condenser unit. I showed him how to maintenance the fin coils as well carefully with a fin coil brush. I let him think that the two of us had to do this once per year to make sure the cooling idea was ready to go before the summer time months. Of course, the two of us also had to call up the Heating and A/C worker so he could tune-up the cooling system. I let our child think that it is substantial to have respected tune-ups or the whole idea could split down. He said the two of us wouldn’t want to be warm in the summer time because it gets so hot, plus I shook our head plus agreed with him. He asked me if I ever thought about becoming an Heating and A/C expert. I told him no, but it was something he might be good at. He laughed plus said he would really make an awesome Heating and A/C expert one day.



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