Making fitness a priority in life

I am very conscientious about how I approach my health and fitness.

I don’t understand the people who aren’t careful about what they eat and don’t work out.

I can’t imagine paying no attention to my future quality of life. Don’t they realize that their habits are going to catch up with them in the end? Being overweight can lead to diabetes and all sorts of health problems and aches and pains. It can make it impossible to comfortably move around and effectively accomplish everyday tasks. Eating poorly can result in weight gain, heart problems and put stress on the body and organs. While regular fitness and good eating habits are a commitment, they are worthwhile. I like looking good and feeling good. I tackle all sorts of home improvement projects without any worry of whether or not I can accomplish them. I take my kayak out on the lake and play tennis. I frequently go for runs throughout the neighborhood or hikes through the woods. Although I am in my mid fifties, I haven’t used my age as an excuse. Instead, I use it as motivation to work harder to be fit. It’s important to me to set a good example for my kids and to enjoy my retirement. I make sure to do some type of workout every single day. Normally, I complete the workout first thing in the morning and devote an hour to it. I believe that stretching is the most important part. I work on flexibility, range of motion and balance. I always include some type of aerobic exercise to work my heart and lungs. I follow up with various types of strength training. I target all different muscle groups and even concentrate on breathing exercises. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and calm that I carry with me throughout the rest of the day.


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