Job relocation made a bit easier with help from local HVAC company

The idea of leaving this community sort of made me a bit sick to my stomach.

I’d never lived anywhere since I was a boy that I felt like such a part of the fabric of community.

So when the boss told me that they had tapped me for a big promotion that came with relocating, I had to sit in the air conditioning of the office awhile. Going home to discuss this opportunity with my wife was going to be such a tough conversation. This is why I took an extra 45 minutes inside the zone controlled HVAC comfort to gather my thoughts. Of course, my wife took this news in stride. And she knew that I was ready to turn down this promotion if she really didn’t want to move. It’s just that we had recently finished renovations on our home. There was new HVAC equipment that had all the latest HVAC technology one could get in residential HVAC. Plus, my wife finally had the kitchen she’d wanted her entire adult life. To leave this house and our community of friends and neighbors was a bitter pill. Ultimately, we chose to take the job and do it all over again in a new place. When we put the house on the market and I called to cancel the HVAC service plan, the HVAC company actually jumped in to help us. They gave us all sorts of promotional material on the new HVAC unit for prospective buyers. And they even offered to find us the best HVAC company where we were heading. This is yet another example of why leaving this community is so difficult.

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