I think living a life of adventure is much more exciting that following all the rules and doing what everyone else does.
- My stepdad was an English teacher when he was younger but decided to become a lawyer to make more money.
He told me that it was the worst decision he ever made and regrets that he stayed in law his whole career. He said the money didn’t make him any happier and the stress of the job just made him less healthy in the end. He regrets his life and wishes he could do it all over again. He had me fix his heater the other day and clean the HVAC filter because he has no idea how to do it himself. He told me that whenever something broke in the house he would just call a handyman instead of trying to fix it himself. He spent so much money on air conditioning repairs and maintenance over the years that I bet he would have more money if he didn’t work so much. When all you do is work at one job all of the time, you have no time or energy to learn how to do the things that would save you money. He has a gas fireplace now that runs very clean and we hardly ever have to clean the filters on it. The ductwork in his house is also very clean and we barely need to clean the dust from it either. It’s good having a low maintenance system, saves you a lot of time and hassle.
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