It was frigid at the bank

The other day I went to the bank to deposit a few checks into my bank account.

Well, it was a very frosty day and that’s why I had the heating system cranked up in my car on the way to the bank.

When I was walking to the door of the bank, I couldn’t wait to get inside out of the cold weather. As soon as I stepped inside, I was stunned. It was absolutely freezing inside! When I asked what was going on, the people waiting inside told me that the heating system quit working and the employees already called the HVAC company. They had a few portable heaters running and that was the only thing keeping the bank from freezing inside. Also it helped that there was the body heating from all the customers and the bank employees. Everybody was saying that they would have just left and came back another day, but everybody had urgent business that needed to be conducted at the bank that day. I actually considered cashing my checks another time, but I figured I came all the way over to the bank, I might as well finish conducting my business as well. Fortunately, I had my jacket so that was able to keep me warm. Everybody was still wearing their coats and I couldn’t blame anybody for that. Even the employees at the bank were wearing jackets and that’s something I can’t say I’ve ever seen happen at a bank before. When I was done depositing my checks, I told the people I hoped the HVAC professional arrived soon, and they hoped the same!

space heater