For a long time, my daughter has suffered from allergies and general respiratory issues.
It was almost like she had a permanent flu.
I always felt so bad for her, because most of the time she looked like she was sick, even though she wasn’t. I have been to many doctors and they have all prescribed different medications, and most of those medicines would only work for a limited amount of time. After that limited amount of time is up, then it is right back to her feeling ill. Not to mention, some of those medications made her feel weird or made her feel incredibly drowsy all of the time. So even though it fixed one problem it gave her a new one to worry about. When we moved to a new town, we had a new doctor and she gave an unusual suggestion. She told us we should try testing our indoor air quality. She continued by saying that if our indoor air quality isn’t very good, then we should get HEPA air filters, as well as a home whole media air purifier. She explained that sometimes it’s not an issue with your body, it’s an issue with the air. Dirty air can cause a whole host of issues if it is not fixed. So I did test my air quality, and it was pretty bad. I did what the doctor suggested, and I replaced my A/C filters with HEPA filters, and then I bought the best UV air purifier I could find. To my surprise, that worked better than any of the medications ever did.