I was having heating issues

I had just lit my gas fireplace when I had a knock at the door, it was weird since I was not expecting anyone and I lived alone.

It had been less than twenty minutes after the heating business from the local new home services had left my house.

I had contacted the heating corporation when I noticed the electric heat pump was making some unusual noise. So I called them for a heat pump service and since it was a dual fuel system, I asked them to do a furnace/heater tune-up to avoid any unnecessary breakdowns with the furnace also! On my way to check who was at the door, I changed the temperature settings on the digital control unit. When I opened the door, the guy introduced himself as a heating professional and he said that they had forgotten to check something on the furnace filter. I told him he had gotten the wrong new home. He insisted that there was something that needed to be done for the new heating device that was used while in the service to function always and help with indoor comfort. When he mentioned the service I was convinced he knew what he was talking about, then he asked for some receipts and when I could not find the one that he wanted he asked me to get him previous receipts. So I rushed to the kitchen where I kept them even though I could not find the one he had described. On coming back I did not find him, which I found strange. I decided to call the company but before I called I noticed that my IPad which was on the coffee table and wallet were missing so I called the police instead.


new heating