I was almost through the pandemic without issue

I thought I made it through the pandemic unscathed.

And that didn’t happen without some work, let me tell you. I’m in my late 50’s and have a medical condition that could result in my having drastic complications if I was to come down with covid. When the lockdowns first happened, I was delighted to not be in the zone controlled HVAC of my offices. Being at home suited me just as well as I wanted to do whatever I could to limit my odds of getting infected. So I stayed inside the air conditioner of my house almost exclusively. The only time I left the HVAC comfort and security of my home was to get food and to get some fresh air with a walk in the woods each day. The rest of the time, I stayed inside the air conditioner and also was really working remotely as well. Working from home didn’t come too naturally to me at first. But then, I started to get the hang of the online meetings and sticking to my work. It was just me and my partner alone in the air conditioner of our home so it wasn’t too tough to focus. I primarily worked from the living room or the workbench in the garage. There isn’t any HVAC out there so I had to be inside the HVAC cooling system during the summertime. Well just as I thought I had gotten through the pandemic, my job was eliminated at work. But I haven’t lost a beat as I turned the guest room into a home office as well as I’m really working as a consultant. I even had the HVAC business come out as well as install a ductless heat pump in my home office.

electric heater