I switched HVAC corporations

When I first moved into my current location, I didn’t really focus on what companies had the best prices, were the most customer friendly etc.

  • I was too busy trying to adjust and make new friends.

I had a rough time at my last place, and a lot of things happened that I would rather not talk about, so I was looking forward to something new. But now, 2 years later, I am doing much better. I have adjusted much better than I had anticipated, and I have multiple friends that are willing to support me when times begin to get dark again. Back to what I was originally saying, when I first moved here, I wasn’t very picky over what companies I chose, but now that I have all of the free time in the world, I can more closely examine what kind of businesses I go with. One of the issues I had when I moved here was that the air conditioning system broke down a lot, so I had to get a lot of different HVAC appointments. With all of those HVAC appointments, I always used the same company, and mostly had the same results, which was that they would get it working for a brief amount of time, and then it would break down again. Not only that, but I had multiple other issues with this HVAC business in particular. I was tired of issues, and when I looked at their reviews, I realized I wasn’t the only one. However, their competitor which wasn’t much farther away, had much better reviews. I had them come out and look at the A/C device. Within 20 minutes, they found the issue and fixed it, and I have yet to have issues with the cooling component.


air purification system