I knew the gas furnace was going to run out of fuel

The two of us ran out of fuel on a weekend when the rapidly changing temperatures were particularly cold

My wifey plus I live in a home where there are more than one separate heating sources, but during the Wintertide weeks, we use the gas gas furnace plus the fireplace, and my wifey plus I enjoy the smell of wood burning in the fireplace, however it does not provide enough heat on its own to make the entire home warm. My wifey plus I bought our home with the gas gas furnace already installed, then when we decided to replace the heating system, we continued using a gas powered gas furnace. My wifey plus I have been using a gas powered gas furnace for a total of 12 years, and the two of us always have to fill the gas furnace 3 times during winter. if we do not fill the tank the fourth time, we always run out of fuel before the end of the season. My wifey tried to argue with myself and others this year when we still had six weeks left of Wintertide plus 1/4 tank of fuel remaining, then i told our wifey that we had to fill the tank plus she told myself and others that a single quarter tank of fuel would be plenty of gas to finish the freezing season. The two of us argued for an minute plus I said she was being cheap. The two of us decided not to fill the gas furnace plus I ended up benign right. The two of us ran out of fuel on a weekend when the rapidly changing temperatures were particularly cold. I tried not to tell our wifey that I was right, however it was easily strenuous to resist. I knew we were going to need more gas for the gas furnace plus our wifey should have let myself and others spend the currency.
Air conditioning worker