I knew there was a problem with the window tint that I had put on my car.
It made me feel like it was getting dark outside, even though it was the middle of the afternoon, the tint was so dark.
When I picked the car up, I told them I wanted it at least three shades lighter, but they could fix the mistake at that time. I was going to need to drive the car as is, until the following weekend. I kept my fingers crossed as I headed to work the next morning. I had been told that the police could give you a ticket for having window tinting that was too dark. I passed four police cars on my way to work and not a single one of them took notice of my dark window tint. On the way home, I once again passed four police officers, but they didn’t seem to notice the dark window tint, either. I guess I was feeling confident after three days went by and no one stopped me. Either they didn’t notice the window tint or they didn’t care. Friday dawned bright and sunny and I was wondering if I shouldn’t wait and leave the dark window tint on the windows. On the way home from work, I changed my mind. I was only a mile from home, when I heard the siren behind me. I pulled over and a cop got out of his car. Luckily, he only gave me a warning when I told him about my appointment the next day. He told me that he was glad to hear that, but if I didn’t show proof of the change within forty-eight hours, the warning would be a ticket.