I didn’t fix the water heater

You never know how comfortable you are until one of those crucial things you never think about or take for granted fails.

  • As usual, I got into the shower for a quick soak since I had a long day ahead.

I didn’t suppose how cold water was in my house until I needed to rinse off all the soap from my body. I remember turning on the heater, however nothing seemed to work. I had to endure the ice-frigid water since there was no way I was getting all the gunk off my body. While I finally managed to get through the ordeal, nothing would stop me from calling the water heater repair guy. While he worked on the new water heater replacement a few mornings later, I found that the signs were all there before my oil furnace eventually failed. At first, I experienced varying water hot and cold temperatures. Periodically, the water pressure was too poor to take a shower, however with a little urge, it would function. There was also the issue of reduced water flows and strange sounds from the rain. All this time, I never thought of anything was wrong as I assumed that this was a plumbing issue and ignored it altogether. I later learned that I should have called a heating expert to save the older unit, which would have been lower in price. Even though I ended up paying much more than I should have, negligence cost a lot. Moving forward, I will keep an eye on all heating and cooling units in my home since they constantly supply warning signs before breaking.


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